Friday, September 14, 2012

A little early, but...

Halloween is slowly approaching, but I am quickly getting excited. Here are a few costume ideas I created using the ever-addicting Polyvore!

I'm all about "homemade" Halloween costumes. The store bought ones only get worn once and are usually made of not-so-cute materials. Which costume idea is your favorite? And what are you thinking about dressing up as?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hello, Fall.

It's finally cooling down here in Oklahoma and, even though I love summertime, I'm ready to get back into my skinny jeans, sweaters, and boots. I mean, seriously, four months of 90°+ heat? It's too much. It's just too much!
I know some people still live by the "don't mix black with brown" rule, but I personally love it. And don't get me started on leather jackets.. I've been on the hunt for two years now and have yet to find the perfect one for under $100.
Pipe freshly whipped cream onto parchment paper and freeze for hot cocoa? I think I shall.
So true. Earl Grey and Marie Claire, please and thank you. Unfortunately, this adorable mug is out of stock at the moment..
Blueberry cobbler à la a skillet! I'll be making this as soon as it gets under 60° (and devouring the entire thing on the spot).
Love this thick, patterned sweater and I'm in desperate need want of a chambray button-down! This girl needs a job.
My roommate and I are dying to start decorating for Halloween, but we're trying to pace ourselves for October 1st, at least. I want our apartment to look like a sophisticated haunted house that doesn't have that gross fog machine smell.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

How on earth has it been 26 days since that last post? I thought it had been a couple of weeks, maybe. Luckily, I don't have many readers, so I don't feel too bad about being MIA for a while. I really dig blogging, but I'm having the hardest time coming up with interesting posts! Maybe I should do one of those day of the week posts..What's Wednesday's topic? I need help.

Let's see what has happened in the last 26 days..
Well, there was Spring Break (last week). I visited my mom in Memphis, TN and spent the week with her and my sister, Jessica. We spent the entire time relaxing, watching movies, playing card games, drinking Jack & Coke's, shopping, and eating delicious food. I'm in desperate need of a new camera, so I sadly could not take any pics. However, my sis took some that I'm gonna steal.

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing SB'12 as well. Now, to get back into school mode..yikes.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Healthy Habits

This week has flown by! I've been trying to fill up my free time with exercise instead of TV-watching, so yesterday I started "Mad Abs March"--a workout regimen I found on Pinterest. I had never attempted a side plank before then and those things were really hard for me. I can't believe I have to do 60 by the end of the month! *shudders*
As far as my eating habits go, they've been much healthier since I started reading labels. I'm also a broke college girl, so buying fast food every day or splurging on Milano cookies isn't even an option. Basically, I don't buy anything at the grocery store that has more than ~5 ingredients. I'm really not reading at all, just glancing--easy peasy! I live off of eggs, sandwiches, rice, pasta, tuna, and green smoothies. I'm not a health nut by any means (yet), but it feels good to create simple, healthy habits.

This example was a huge eye-opener for me. So many people say that eating healthy is "too expensive", but in reality you're getting way more quality and quantity. I only spend about $60 on groceries every 4-5 weeks!

It feels so good to when your cart looks like this. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Summer Longing

I've been thinking about summertime non-stop lately. This semester is already going by really fast, so I think it will be here before we know it! Here are some things I'm looking forward to:

1. Swimsuits! I'm in love with these retro-inspired swimsuits. These particular ones are a little out of my price range (especially #1), but I just can't help but share. Hopefully, good ole Target
will come up with some comparable options by May.

(from top: Anthropologie-$138, TopShop-$60, TopShop-$60)

2. Road trip with my best friend. Jordan and I are planning a weekend getaway to Springfield, Missouri right after school lets out. In addition to a much needed break from classes, I'll be turning 21 right around that time as well, so we'll have all kinds of things celebrate! Our only specific plan as of right now (since neither of us know much about the city), is to visit the Red Velvet Boutique & Sweet Shoppe! We're hoping to go there first and ask some like-minded local ladies about some of their favorite Springfield spots. We can't wait!

(photo taken by me-summer 2009)

3. Cookouts! One of my all time favorite summer activities. My mom and I share an unhealthy obsession with all the adorable summer dishes at Walmart, so we're always looking for an excuse to snatch some up. Is there anything better than biting into a juicy homemade burger on a warm (okay, hot) summer day? Yum.

(photo found on Pinterest)

4. Summer clothes. As much as a enjoy wearing winter layers, I love the simplicity of summer style. This flow-y maxi dress would be an ideal summer outfit for me--one piece, and you're done! Minimal effort is my thang.

(photos found on Pinterest)

There's nothing I love more than Oklahoma summers, and this one's gonna be a good'n. What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

68° and Sunny

It's been a great day so far, which probably has something to do with the weather. Although I'm sure environmentally it's considered a "bad" thing that it's so warm in February, I am enjoying it while it lasts. After my one and only Thursday class, I went out to lunch with Meagan at Panera. We talked about our individual boy troubles for about an hour and, I swear, no matter what it is you're going through, it is so nice to be able to say "Exactly, I know!" when someone is describing to you how they feel. I just have to keep telling myself "You're twenty years old. You're TWEN-TY years old. YOU'RE TWENTY YEARS OLD". It's not the end of the world (unless the Mayan's were right and even so, I still have 'til December).
On a more delicious note, I made these last night for dinner and they were incredibly tasty. And on a crafty-ish note, I framed a couple of semi-inspirational printables on Tuesday, á la Jordan Linna. Picked up the 8x10 frames at Hobby Lobby for a grand total of $15.20--a great
deal considering they were originally priced at $11.99 and $15.99. They may not look like much, but they add so much coziness to my little room.
I found the printables here and here. Enjoy your Thursday! :)