Friday, March 2, 2012

Healthy Habits

This week has flown by! I've been trying to fill up my free time with exercise instead of TV-watching, so yesterday I started "Mad Abs March"--a workout regimen I found on Pinterest. I had never attempted a side plank before then and those things were really hard for me. I can't believe I have to do 60 by the end of the month! *shudders*
As far as my eating habits go, they've been much healthier since I started reading labels. I'm also a broke college girl, so buying fast food every day or splurging on Milano cookies isn't even an option. Basically, I don't buy anything at the grocery store that has more than ~5 ingredients. I'm really not reading at all, just glancing--easy peasy! I live off of eggs, sandwiches, rice, pasta, tuna, and green smoothies. I'm not a health nut by any means (yet), but it feels good to create simple, healthy habits.

This example was a huge eye-opener for me. So many people say that eating healthy is "too expensive", but in reality you're getting way more quality and quantity. I only spend about $60 on groceries every 4-5 weeks!

It feels so good to when your cart looks like this. Happy Friday!

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