Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

How on earth has it been 26 days since that last post? I thought it had been a couple of weeks, maybe. Luckily, I don't have many readers, so I don't feel too bad about being MIA for a while. I really dig blogging, but I'm having the hardest time coming up with interesting posts! Maybe I should do one of those day of the week posts..What's Wednesday's topic? I need help.

Let's see what has happened in the last 26 days..
Well, there was Spring Break (last week). I visited my mom in Memphis, TN and spent the week with her and my sister, Jessica. We spent the entire time relaxing, watching movies, playing card games, drinking Jack & Coke's, shopping, and eating delicious food. I'm in desperate need of a new camera, so I sadly could not take any pics. However, my sis took some that I'm gonna steal.

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing SB'12 as well. Now, to get back into school mode..yikes.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Healthy Habits

This week has flown by! I've been trying to fill up my free time with exercise instead of TV-watching, so yesterday I started "Mad Abs March"--a workout regimen I found on Pinterest. I had never attempted a side plank before then and those things were really hard for me. I can't believe I have to do 60 by the end of the month! *shudders*
As far as my eating habits go, they've been much healthier since I started reading labels. I'm also a broke college girl, so buying fast food every day or splurging on Milano cookies isn't even an option. Basically, I don't buy anything at the grocery store that has more than ~5 ingredients. I'm really not reading at all, just glancing--easy peasy! I live off of eggs, sandwiches, rice, pasta, tuna, and green smoothies. I'm not a health nut by any means (yet), but it feels good to create simple, healthy habits.

This example was a huge eye-opener for me. So many people say that eating healthy is "too expensive", but in reality you're getting way more quality and quantity. I only spend about $60 on groceries every 4-5 weeks!

It feels so good to when your cart looks like this. Happy Friday!