Thursday, February 23, 2012

68° and Sunny

It's been a great day so far, which probably has something to do with the weather. Although I'm sure environmentally it's considered a "bad" thing that it's so warm in February, I am enjoying it while it lasts. After my one and only Thursday class, I went out to lunch with Meagan at Panera. We talked about our individual boy troubles for about an hour and, I swear, no matter what it is you're going through, it is so nice to be able to say "Exactly, I know!" when someone is describing to you how they feel. I just have to keep telling myself "You're twenty years old. You're TWEN-TY years old. YOU'RE TWENTY YEARS OLD". It's not the end of the world (unless the Mayan's were right and even so, I still have 'til December).
On a more delicious note, I made these last night for dinner and they were incredibly tasty. And on a crafty-ish note, I framed a couple of semi-inspirational printables on Tuesday, á la Jordan Linna. Picked up the 8x10 frames at Hobby Lobby for a grand total of $15.20--a great
deal considering they were originally priced at $11.99 and $15.99. They may not look like much, but they add so much coziness to my little room.
I found the printables here and here. Enjoy your Thursday! :)

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